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Our Story

Welcome to our Edmonton-based sanctuary of serenity. As a woman-led business, our origins trace back to a deeply personal journey through postpartum anxiety, transforming an intimate experience into a beacon of light for others. Each of our handcrafted candles, made lovingly from natural soy and coconut wax, is more than just a scent; it's a symbol of resilience and hope.

Our commitment extends beyond artisanal candles. We stand firmly in the belief that as we rise, we lift others with us. That's why a portion of every purchase you make is channeled to empower women, especially those escaping the clutches of domestic violence. Through your support, we're able to illuminate a path towards shelter, nourishment, and vital health assistance for those who need it most. Join us in making a difference, one candle at a time.

Candle Wax Before Melting
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